Duane started the Biggest Loser program at Peak Fitness at the beginning of January(Along with Mikin and her mom Jean, pictured below). This last weekend they did their first "group challenge." All of the teams had to meet down at the CDA city beach at 9:00 in the morning and compete in a couple of challenges. Not exactly the warmest day out. Besides the freezing cold air and touch physical challenges, he did awesome! The first challenge was to carry golf balls 150 golf balls, one at a time, as a team across the beach and fill up a different bucket. (Sorry, I got there late, so I didn't get pictures of this). The next challenge was running 2 miles. Down the dyke road and back. Duane finished with a crowd of people cheering him on. Way to go DAD!!!!!

Duane, Mikin, Jean between challenges
Duane rounding the last corner of the run

Duane' s big finish with his crowd of supporters!